Attempting to live life to the fullest, while being swayed with all "those sins & weights that so easily beset us." Here are essays & observations by a Christian woman of warrior, creative spirit, trying to love, teach and entertain masses of humanity into the kingdom of God. Let me know how I'm doing.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Procrastinators Daily Devotional Sample-

As I lay on the coach, contemplating the value of watching even more mind-numbing television, a thought came visually to me.  Time, there it was, in the hour glass, each moment a grain of sand, passing from past to present, present to future, one tiny bit at a time.  What will I do with it, this bit of time, now mine to make the most of?

Job 29:18-  “I thought, ‘I will die in my own house, my days as numerous as the grains of sand."

      I see on television an ungodly world spreading its dominion over modern culture.  What was once good is now bad, what was once sinful now celebrated as freedom, and atheism now advances with celebrity endorsements.  It makes me wonder, how far can this pendulum swing?  Is there any way to turn this tide around?  Is there anything I can do?  If people that actively assault the very idea of God's existence can dedicate their time to ridiculing my God and people of faith, can't I do my literary bit to alter the ungodly balance?  God, I would love a sign, after all you are good, and you do give signs.  Can I really do something, in obedience, that can change someone's eternity, right now?

     With my multitude of self-indulgent choices looming over my depressed psyche, there it was... the hour glass image, the steady gravity of time passing away, what to do?  I thought... my blog, my Procrastinators Daily Devotional, my neglected, procrastinated, practically nonexistent blog, now ignored for months, could my writing make any difference at all?  If I can not expand the Kingdom of God, if my writing makes no positive impact in someone's life, if I can't initiate and produce soul saving TRUTH, then... why bother blogging anything?  If I sleep, eat, screw around, watch soul-sucking television, producing nothing, what's the point?  What is the difference?  I must know that what I do makes a difference, otherwise why get out of bed?

     It was at that moment, tonight, after drenching myself in modern televised media for multiple hours, that I decided, "Time to get off the couch, time to return to my writing."  Sensing the possible importance of actually making a difference in someone's world, I sat down to dredge up my long ignored blog.  A spark of hope in making the right choice with this particular tic of time lighted within me.  As I touched my keyboard, music that had been silently humming on my computer for hours burst forth with pleasant volume, Bob Dylan's "Every Grain of Sand," from his Shot of Love album.  What?  God, you bless me with confirmation and victory.  Little victories by one second, one little decision at a time.  What are the chances, in the so-called disordered, random, atheistic universe, that as the image of the flowing sandy hourglass moved me to finally write at my computer, that I would be heralded into my creative space with that song?   I'd say chances are... a million to one, at least.  Thank God for the manna breadcrumb trail that He leaves for us to discover, and follow.
"Don’t have the inclination to look back on any mistake
Like Cain, I now behold this chain of events that I must break
In the fury of the moment I can see the Master’s hand
In every leaf that trembles, in every grain of sand."  
-Bob Dylan

Dear Lord, please help me to not look back on my mistakes, for they are a weight that I should not carry.  Please break this chain of events that pulls me away from my productivity.  Help me to see my Master's hands, and to be my Master's hands in this world.  You are in every grain of sand, teach me to number my days, hours and minutes, and every grain of time that passes through my hands... may it all be for your Kingdom's work and your glory.  Amen.